sunnuntai 26. lokakuuta 2008

day 26

I shared the same feeling with my brother this morning. To be more precise, both of us realized that it was pretty early that we had waken up due to the fact that one was supposed to turn clocks to winter time last night. I also slept pretty well which isn't always evident when I'm sleeping in an "unfamiliar" bed.

However, I was trying to catch some lost working hours from the past week with my thesis. Surprising to me, it wasn't difficult at all to concentrate (okay I start to understand the connection between enough sleep and being effective) even though the patent texts that I went through are some what complex by nature ("--In yet another still another embodiment...")!

Today is the day for Finland's municipal election. Therefore I took a train back to Helsinki right after my godson's birthday parties where I was taking the first photos for the day (none of which turned out to be interesting). Voting took only a couple of minutes and I was ready to edit the POD. This time I leave the contents of the photo unexplained. The contents is quite easy to distinguish, isn't it?

3 kommenttia:

Unknown kirjoitti...

"connection between enough sleep and being effective"coool~anyway it has to be right
no idea where it's impossible!!

Henrikki IV kirjoitti...

Any guesses, anyone?

Hint: reflections reveal the answer!

Kris kirjoitti...

haha, R-kioski?? colors..