However, I was trying to catch some lost working hours from the past week with my thesis. Surprising to me, it wasn't difficult at all to concentrate (okay I start to understand the connection between enough sleep and being effective) even though the patent texts that I went through are some what complex by nature ("--In yet another still another embodiment...")!
Today is the day for Finland's municipal election. Therefore I took a train back to Helsinki right after my godson's birthday parties where I was taking the first photos for the day (none of which turned out to be interesting). Voting took only a couple of minutes and I was ready to edit the POD. This time I leave the contents of the photo unexplained. The contents is quite easy to distinguish, isn't it?

3 kommenttia:
"connection between enough sleep and being effective"coool~anyway it has to be right
no idea where it's impossible!!
Any guesses, anyone?
Hint: reflections reveal the answer!
haha, R-kioski?? colors..
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