Well it's not nothing new that I'm in a hurry with my blog. Today I took a concious risk to leave the photography until evening while it's already dark. That is, yesterday I noticed that there's pretty cool moonlight during late evening hours. But unfortunately this evening the moon was hiding behind heavy clouds so I ended up just with the idea of playing with long exposures and external flash.
Of course I forgot to take extra batteries for the flash which energy was fading away. Still I was fortunate enough to meet a couple of friends of mine who were kind enough to pose for a couple of pictures, one of which turned out pretty cool. Nevertheless that's not the one that I publish today but the one I took with just before the batteries finally died from my flash. So Jussi, you'll see the picture of you later!
maanantai 13. lokakuuta 2008
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2 kommenttia:
I love the feel of this photo.
Cheers mate!
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